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How Hemp Is Giving Renewed Life To America's Tobacco Farmers

Updated Mar 25, 2019, 03:01pm EDT
This article is more than 5 years old.

In the whirlwind end to 2018, United States Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made two fateful pushes—in opposite directions—for the burgeoning cannabis industry.

On the one hand, in a shock to no one, McConnell blocked the States Act, a banking reform amendment that would have abolished the barriers to interstate marijuana commerce, including restrictions on the banks providing services to the marijuana industry. In 2014, the last time the Speaker of the House was up for re-election, McConnell informed reporters that legalizing marijuana at the federal level would be “giving up,” with the justification that the end of prohibition would “completely transform your society in a way that I think certainly most Kentuckians would not agree with.”

Five years is a long time in politics, though, and in some regards, McConnell and the rest of the Senate are starting to change their tune about parts of the cannabis industry—namely, hemp.

Speaking last year before the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, Mitch McConnell justified his position on new position hemp, which for decades was a Schedule I drug along with its cousin, marijuana: “At a time when farm income is down and growers are struggling, industrial hemp is a bright spot of agriculture’s future. My provision in the farm bill will not only legalize domestic hemp, but it will also allow state departments of agriculture to be responsible for its oversight.”

McConnell became personally involved in the creation of the 2018 Farm Bill in part because his home state of Kentucky is feeling the pinch of President Trump’s trade wars. Kentucky has a strong agricultural economy, with over 76,000 farms that grow corn, soybeans, and support thousands of pigs, horses, and cows. Last year, according to the Kentucky Soybean Association, Kentucky’s soybean farmers stood to lose up to $200 million.

Perhaps its most famous crops are its burley and fire-cured tobacco products—Kentucky tops the nation for these types of tobacco. For the thousands of tobacco farmers in the state, though, the allure is tobacco as a cash crop is starting to wane. These days, fewer people are smoking than ever. In 2017, according to the CDC, 14% of American adults smoked cigarettes, which is a sharp decrease from the 20.9% of American adults who smoked in 2005. As a result, the number of Kentucky tobacco farms over the last century have declined nearly 90%.

Even though many Kentucky tobacco farmers have been harvesting the plant for generations, they’re willing to give it up for, hemp, the newest crop on the block, courtesy of their state’s Senator.

How hemp got to Kentucky

Hemp was first grown in Kentucky in 1775, and up through the early twentieth century, it was a staple of the state’s economy and culture. With a large slave population, Kentuckians were able to harvest massive amounts of labor-intensive crops like hemp, tobacco, and cotton. In fact, according to historian James Hopkins, “Without hemp, slavery might have not flourished in Kentucky, since other agricultural products of the state were not conducive to the extensive use of bondsmen.”

Now, hemp is making a comeback, thanks to high demand for hemp-derived CBD oil, and big profits farmers can’t find with crops affected by the tariff wars. The global industrial hemp market is expected to explode to over $10 billion dollars by 2025, while the market for CBD will jump from nearly $600 million in 2018 to $22 billion by 2022.

For farmers like Tennessean Kyle Owen, tobacco stopped paying the bills, so he quickly turned to industrial hemp cultivation as soon as it was available. Kentucky farmer Will Brownlow started with 10 acres of hemp in 2016, but ramped up to 60-80 acres this year, comprising nearly a quarter of his farmable land.

With the Farm Bill passed, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture is betting big of hemp cultivation in 2019. The KDA approved over a thousand applications, and those farmers will put down over 42,000 acres and 2.9 million square feet of greenhouse space for hemp cultivation.

That much hemp will require a lot of hard work to keep away weeds (pesticides and herbicides aren’t allowed) and to harvest. Since hemp cultivation has been largely outlawed for the last 80 years, farmers haven’t developed the same level of sophisticated machinery for hemp as they use to harvest other crops. Kentucky farmers have a small head start, thanks to the state’s many tightly controlled pilot programs for growing industrial hemp since 2014.

Repurposing tobacco farming equipment

Now, as farmers move en masse to hemp, they’re adapting the tools of tobacco cultivation to suit their new crop.

Depending on what the hemp is being used for—fibers, seeds, etc.—the manner of harvesting changes. According to the National Hemp Association, when harvesting for fibers, a sickle-bar mower or hay swather may be used to cut the stalks, and a baler can be used to collect the stalks in the field. On the other hand, when harvesting seeds, a combine can be used, but the tough stalks of the plant can quickly wear down the machine.

The original KIRPY tobacco harvester offered by Triminator, for example, has been re-engineered and strengthened to meet the unique demands of the hemp plant.  The result is the KIRPY CBD hemp harvester that can be raised and lowered to adapt to field and crop conditions.

Speaking of his home state of North Carolina, Bruce Perlowin, CEO of Hemp, Inc., told me how his team has repurposed tobacco transplanters to drop little hemp plants or clones, 12 rows wide that are capable of planting 10 acres in 45 minutes.

Tobacco farm infrastructure can be easily repurposed, as well. Perlowin explained, "You know why a lot of American farmers fell on their face when trying to grow hemp? Because let's say five acres of hemp, you need thousands of square feet just to dry it." To use a hops dryer for hemp would be destroying the terpenes and the CBD within the plant.

"There's no other choice to get a high-quality product and that your hand dry just sang and dry for a week, cure it, and burp it every day for two weeks and the right humidity and the right temperature, and all the old North Carolina tobacco drying barns can, and are being converted to do that," Perlowin revealed, "Because in North Carolina, tobacco is no longer king, hemp is king."


Disclosure: I have no financial interest or positions in the aforementioned companies. This information is for educational purposes and does not constitute financial and/or legal advice.

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